

editNew Macro Format Request

NOTE: There were substantial changes to macros in 3.1. Many spells were renamed, and much of the scripted command functionality has been modified. In an effort to keep WoWWiki posts relevant please re-validate and re-post macros that work in 3.1. When re-creating a macro please describe what it does, and note the version of WoW that you tested it in. Please follow the example format posted below:

(to get the frame around your macro, don't forget to add space before you start your macro)

Example Macro

/y Hooray, I made a macro!
  • Use: This yells, "Hooray, I made a macro!"
  • Works in 3.2

Shot macros should never be used and thus have been removed; they were basically required in TBC when Auto Shot could not shoot during Steady Shot, but with the advent of 3.0, this is no longer the case. Also, there are too many variables that can alter your shot speeds (such as Improved Aspect of the Hawk, Heroism/Bloodlust, etc) and a macro can never know that you are able to fit another Steady Shot when you have the extra haste.

Pet Assist

/assist pet

Yes it is amazingly simple, but it targets your pet's target, which is useful when you are soloing and your pet has a large mob, because you don't want to take aggro off of it. I am not sure if it works when it just says 'pet', I have my pet's name in place of it.

Mark & attack

#showtooltip Hunter's Mark
/castsequence [button:2] Hunter's Mark; reset=5 Serpent Sting, Hunter's Mark
/stopmacro [button:2]
/stopmacro [noexists]
/run for i=1,GetNumTrackingTypes() do local n, t, a, c = GetTrackingInfo(i); if string.find(n, UnitCreatureType("target")) then if t~=GetTrackingTexture(i) then SetTracking(i); end end end
/cast Hunter's Mark

The latter will change your tracking to that of your current target while sending your pet to attack and casting Hunter's Mark. Tracking is no longer on the global cooldown.

Bestial Wrath

#showtooltip Bestial Wrath
/cast Kill Command
/cast Bestial Wrath
/cast Call of the Wild
/cast Rapid Fire
/use 13
/use 14
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
  • Makes you as big and mean as you can be.
  • Works in 3.1.1

Freezing Trap+Stop Attack

/cast Freezing Trap
/stopmacro [nogroup]
/p {square} Trap Set

  • Useful to stop auto shot/unlucky timing of pet attack from breaking your freezing trap, good for PvP and announces it for your party/raid in PvE CC.
  • Works in 3.1.1

Survival Macro

/castsequence reset=10  Explosive Shot, Serpent Sting, Steady Shot, Steady Shot, Explosive Shot, Steady Shot, Steady Shot
/cast [target=pettarget] Kill Command
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/cast Kill Shot
  • This macro is perfectly timed to restart the castsequence line just as your Serpent Sting times out. Just spam away. I keep Black Arrow right next to the macro on my bar.
  • Works in 3.2 . This macro should work in any expansion.

Steady/Explosive Spam

/castrandom Explosive Shot, 
/castsequence reset=6 Steady Shot,  
/castsequence reset=6 Explosive Shot, Serpent Sting
  • Fairly effective Steady Shot/Explosive Shot spam macro which keeps Serpent Sting up. Simply swap Explosive for Arcane Shot if you're not SV.
  • Works in 3.1.1

Pet care

/castsequence [nopet]reset=5 Call Pet,Revive Pet;[pet,nomod,btn:1]reset=14 Mend Pet,null;
/cast [mod]Heart of the Phoenix;[target=pet,dead]Revive Pet;[pet,btn:3]Dismiss Pet;[pet,btn:2]Feed Pet
/use [pet,btn:2]Raw Spotted Yellowtail
  • Tested in 3.2.2a
  • This macro doesn't do taming (since you don't go out and tame a new pet every time you play).
  • It handles Call Pet/Revive Pet automaticly, although a long dead pet need two clicks instead of one.
  • The timeout for Mend Pet is set to one second shorter than the spell duration, to make recasting easier.
  • It's made for a clicker, with three buttons. The third should be the side-button, but the number has been different for different mice I've had, you might need to change it to 4 or even 5 instead of 3 for the dismiss pet ability.
  • Last, there's the food for the pet. Change it to what you use.

editOld macros below

The macros below this line will work in 3.1.1 and probably well beyond that. As for risk, it's a macro, at worst it won't work.

editAll hunter macros

Pet Master

I use this Macro for my pet. What it does is sets my target as focus, sends my pet to attack and marks it, clears my focus if the target is dead and brings my pet back to me. If my pet dies it will resurrect it or if I do not have a pet active it will call it. The only thing this macro doesn't do is heal and feed your pet!

--Mordikaiin (US-Ghostlands) (talk) 18:26, 17 March 2009 (UTC)

/cast [nopet] Call Pet;[target=pet,dead]Revive Pet
/clearfocus [target=focus,dead]
/focus [target=focus,exists]player;target
/clearfocus [target=focus,noharm]
/petattack [target=focus,exists]
/petfollow [target=focus,noexists]
/cast Hunter's Mark

One-Button Misdirection

/cast [target=focus,exists,nodead][target=pet,exists,nodead] Misdirection

#showtooltip Misdirection
/cast [target=focus, help] Misdirection
/cast [target=focustarget, help] Misdirection
/cast [target=target, help] Misdirection
/cast [target=targettarget, help] Misdirection
/cast [target=pet, nodead, exists] Misdirection

The latter will cast Misdirection on your pet if you've no target, if you are targeting yourself, or if your target is targeting you. If you are targeting a friendly player that is eligible for Misdirection, it will be cast on them. If your target is targeting a friendly player, Misdirection will be cast on them. If your focus is friendly, Misdirection will be cast on said focus, if your focus is aggressive, Misdirection will be cast on its target.

All-in-One Melee

/castsequence reset=target/3 Wing Clip, Raptor Strike, Wing Clip
/castrandom [target=target, exists] Mongoose Bite

Be aware that Wing Clip and Raptor Strike, do not share the same global cooldown, so they can actually be casted together, and the same can be said for Mongoose and Raptor Strike, being the fact that Raptor Strike will work "on the next melee attack", so that it can be added to any instant melee attack. So this macro can probably be changed to:

/castrandom Wing Clip, Mongoose Bite
/cast Raptor Strike

Test needed

All in one Beast + Melee

In replace of above I would use

#showtooltip Raptor Strike
/cast !Aspect of the Beast
/castsequence reset=target Wing Clip, Mongoose Bite
/cast !Raptor Strike
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear();

This would apply AotBeast for added melee damage, hit with Wing Clip+Raptor Strike, then on second click hit with Mongoose Bite and if Raptor Strike was ready hit with it again.

All-in-One Pet Care

/cast [nopet, modifier:ctrl] Tame Beast
/cast [combat] Heart of the Phoenix
/cast [nopet] Call Pet; [target=pet, dead] Revive Pet
/castsequence [pet, nomodifier, button:1] reset=15 Mend Pet, null
/cast [button:2] Dismiss Pet

All-in-one Pet Care (clicker)

/cast [button:4] Revive Pet
/cast [button:5] Dismiss Pet
/cast [button:3] Tame Beast
/cast [nopet] Call Pet
/cast [button:2] Feed Pet; Mend Pet
/use [button:2] (your food)

editMiscellaneous macros

Mongoose Bite and Raptor Strike 1-button

Ever been annoyed of having to cycle between Mongoose Bite and Raptor Strike when in close quarters? Be annoyed no longer! Here's a macro that'll let you cast Mongoose Bite, and then, if clicked again within 5 seconds, will cast Raptor Strike. It resets every 5 seconds, so you'll never miss a Mongoose Bite.

/castsequence reset=5 Mongoose Bite, Raptor Strike

editOne-Button basic pet management

/cast [nopet] Call Pet; [target=pet, dead] Revive Pet /petattack

This calls your pet if he is away, resses him if he's dead, and if he's sitting around, attacks your target. One thing to note: The resurrection only works if the pet is sitting there visibly dead; this won't be the case if for instance, he dies and then you die, or if he dies and you run too far away.

Blood elf hunter Aspect of the Hawk/Viper

/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/cast [combat] Arcane Torrent
/cast !Aspect of the Dragonhawk
/petpassive [nocombat]
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

Notes: As soon as you're down 6% of your mana, start using this and every chance you get. They say blood elves are a bad race for hunters, but you can get 18-24% more mana on long boss fights and that's really nice for those times when you don't have a ret pally in the group.

/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/cast [combat] Arcane Torrent
/cast !Aspect of the Viper
/petpassive [nocombat]
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

Growl/Cower Pet Button Saver

/petautocasttoggle [btn:2,group,mod]Growl;[btn:2,nogroup,mod]Cower;[btn:2,group]Cower;[btn:2]Growl
/petautocastoff [btn:3]Growl
/petautocastoff [btn:3]Cower
/stopmacro [nobtn:1]
/cast [group,mod]Growl;[nogroup,mod]Cower;[group]Cower;Growl

When grouped, Cower is up and Growl is on Shift/Ctrl/Alt (no room to specify without branching into a second macro); when solo, it's reversed. Right click on either of them to toggle auto-cast. If you forget which is toggled on/off, mouse-wheel-click to turn them both off and go from there. Growl will auto-cast even when not on the pet's bar: I'm not sure about Cower or any other ability, but I'm sure better hunters than I would know, so ask them.

Simple auto Growl/Cower

/cast Hunter's Mark
/petautocaston [group] Cower; [nogroup] Growl
/petautocastoff [nogroup] Cower; [group] Growl

When grouped, growl is off, cower set on, and when solo the other way around. This is linked to a frequently used spell, but could be put with anything on the 2nd line.


/cast Bestial Wrath
/cast Kill Command
/use 13
/use 14
/cast Blood Fury
/cast Rapid Fire
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

This one casts Bestial Wrath, Kill Command, Rapid Fire, uses both Trinkets and Blood Fury (Orc Racial) for a DPS Burst. Change around the Blood Fury to another ability (Troll Berserker for example). You can also name the Trinkets if you want to (e.g. /use Bloodlust Brooch). You may have to click twice. Good burst damage near the start of a boss fight, and then again towards the end, BM Hunter with Longevity can reduce the cooldowns on Bestial Wrath significantly. Useful in PVE or PVP.

Pet Attack/Follow toggle

/petfollow [target=pettarget,exists] 

This will on first click send your pet in to attack your target, and on the second click it stop attacking and return to you.

Oh crap!

#showtooltip Battlemaster's Determination
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
/use Horde Battle Standard
/use Battlemaster's Determination
/use Super Healing Potion
/use Healthstone
/cast Deterrence

Sort of the opposite to "I WIN". Will give a significant HP boost. (You will have to change the Battlemaster's trinket if you're using the +crit one.) Note that Healthstone and all conjured items (with limited durability) should be placed in the macro before Healing potions (and other consumables) to be used before.

Vipersting / Focus setter

#showtooltip Viper Sting
/clearfocus [modifier:shift]
/focus [target=focus,noexists]; [target=focus,dead]
/cast [target=focus,exists,harm]Viper Sting

If pressed with shift this macro will ONLY reset the focustarget. If your last focus is dead or none is set it'll set your target as your Focus Target and Vipersting it.

Intervene / Roar of Sacrifice

/castsequence [mod:shift target=mouseover,help] Intervene, Roar of Sacrifice
/castsequence [nomod,target=player] Intervene, Roar of Sacrifice

This macro will Intervene and RoS yourself but if you activate it with the shift mod it'll intervene and RoS the mouseover target if it's friendly.

Master's Call

#showtooltip Master's Call
/cast [modifier:alt, target=focus] Master's Call
/cast [modifier:shift] Master's Call
/cast [target=player] Master's Call

This macro will do three things: when clicked without any modifier, it will cast Master's Call on the Hunter; with Alt, it will cast it on the Focus target (eg. your healer in an Arena setup); with shift, it will behave as the normal skill, so point and click to the target.

Tranquilizing Shot

/cast [target=mouseover] Tranquilizing Shot

For fights like Sartharion where you might be called on to tranq Sartharion's fire elemental adds, I find this macro bound to a readily accessible key can make the job much easier. Just point at them and pop; no target switching, no risk of pulling them.

Alliance hunter Aspect change + Beast control

/cast Sound_EnableSFX 0
/cast Hunter's Mark
/castsequence [button:2] Aspect of the Viper; Aspect of the Monkey, Aspct of the Hawk, Aspect of the Dragonhawk
/stopmacro [button:2]
/petpassive [nocombat]
/petdefensive [combat]
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

This was my first macro ever made for my lvl 71 hunter. It iss not the best, but it works on Alliance hunter toons. This macro allows the player to switch between the Aspects, cast Hunter's Mark, and put your pet on passive/defensive. - Blackninja

Aspect change

/cast Aspect of the Viper
/cast [mod:ctrl] Aspect of the Hawk
/cast [mod:alt] Aspect of the Beast

Also made by Blackninja, this is made so that by pressing alt or ctrl u can change between 3 different aspects. These are the most used...I believe.

#showtooltip Aspect of the Dragonhawk
/cast [nostance:1] Aspect of the dragonhawk
/castsequence !Aspect of the Dragonhawk, !Aspect of the Viper

The above will cast Aspect of the Dragonhawk in any Aspect, other than Aspect of the Dragonhawk, in which it will cast Aspect of the Viper. It is a one-button nomod consolidation for clickers and binders alike.

Hunter's Mark 2

/castsequence reset=5 [button:2] Hunter's Mark; Hunter's Mark, Concussive Shot
/stopmacro [button:2]
/cast [mod:alt] Serpent Sting

There are many typs of macros for Hunters Mark. I, for one, made this. - Blackninja

Pet control

/cast [nopet] Call Pet; [target=pet, dead] Revive Pet
/cast [combat] Heart of the phoenix
/cast [pet, mod:ctrl] Mend Pet
/cast [pet, mod:alt] DismissPet

This is made for a higher lvl hunter with the pet ability bloodthirsty. The hunter with that trait dont need to feed the pet. So that's why i didn't add feed pet to the list. I also added the Heart of the Phoenix you can cast only in combat. This is used better than that non-working all in 1 pet care used above. - Blackninja

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